What is 2FA Authentication? How to use 2FA 2Factor Authentication, in this 2FA 2Factor Authentication (Two - Factor Authentication) tutorial I will help you.
What is 2FA Authentication?
Two-Factor Authentication 2FA (short for Two-Factor Authentication) is an account authentication method to improve the security of users' accounts, protect their online accounts against cyber attacks to steal their accounts. Today in the technology age everything happens on the network environment, bank accounts, cryptocurrency(bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, polkadot, ada) storage platforms for transactions like binance, primexbt, huobi, electronic wallets like coinbase, blockchain, c98 store slang wallets use 2fa to ensure safety. If you interesting about bitcoin, you can read this post: what is bitcoin and how it works?
2FA is a two-factor authentication method that is a digital signature string sent to your phone and you must enter this code to use some sensitive online actions such as account login, withdrawal transactions, electronic money, …
Historically, two-factor authentication is not a new concept but its use has become more common with the digital age we live in. As recently as February 2011, Google announced two-factor authentication, online for their users, followed by MSN and Yahoo.
Many people may not be aware of this type of secure process called Two-Factor Authentication and don't even think about it when using hardware cards issued by banks to use with their card and Receipt Number. Personal form when looking to complete Online Banking transactions. They are simply taking advantage of the benefits of this type of multi-factor authentication – meaning “what they have” and “what they know”.
Using Two-Factor Authentication can help reduce the number of identity thefts on the Internet, as well as email scams, as criminals will need more than just a username and password.
The downside to this security process is that new hardware tags (in the form of pushbuttons or card readers) need to be sorted before they are released, and this can cause delays and problems for the user. The company's customers want and wait to be able to access their personal information data through this authentication procedure. Regular cards are also small and easy to lose thus causing a lot of problems for people when customers call in asking for new ones.
SecurEnvoy looks to solve this problem with Two-Factor Authentication using mobile SMS technology. With more than 5 billion mobile phones in use, turning the phone into an authenticator quickly solves the need and additional cost and delay in sending hardware tokens.
Using two-factor authentication without a token is called Tokenless Authentication, patented by SecurEnvoy. This type of authentication can be considered faster, faster, and cheaper to set up and maintain across multiple networks.